EXTERNAL CIRCULAR NO. 9 OF 2023 Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) is a semi-autonomous organization of Government responsible for assessing and collecting tax revenue as well as border administration. BURS invites dynamic, self- motivated and qualified citizens of Botswana to visit the BURS website and apply for the following posts: Manager, Communications
Kindly access the advert at BURS website and BURS Facebook page/sites as follows:
Website; www.burs.org.bw
Facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/BotswanaUnifiedRevenueService/
All applications should be sent to recruitment@burs.org.bw and addressed to;
Director Human Resources
Botswana Unified Revenue Service
Plot 54379 CBD – Tower Block, 5th Floor
Private Bag 0013
For more information regarding these positions, please contact the Human Resources office at these numbers:
Mr. 0. Mohumanegi @ 3638446 and Ms. M. Bothata @ 3638472
Closing date: 21st Dec, 2023 at 1630 Hrs